Hi Dolls!
Happy Sunday!
What is Happiness?
Happiness is having inner peace. It is usually experienced when we have no worries or fears. Happiness is experienced when we are doing something we love, winning, being content or achieving something great! It is an outcome of positive events, it is something we feel on the inside! Hence happiness is an inside job.
Many people feel they are not worthy of happiness or that it is temporary because they let outside circumstances affect them. Don’t let fear or worried thoughts run your life. Remember what you focus on and think about will affect you. Our thoughts become things.
One of my favorite quotes by Wayne Dyer reads:
“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change”
One of of the best ways to gain inner peace and happiness is through daily meditation, once the mind is at peace you become a happier human.
Have you ever stop to notice all the things we take for granted? When we take things for granted we lose the chance to get excited and celebrate them happening to us. Start to notice all the things you like in your life and appreciate and celebrate them out loud. You woke up today! How amazing is that??
Here are my list of Tips for living a happy life:
1. Meditate: Sit in Silence for a least 10 min a day (see how meditation changed my life here)
2. Don’t take yourself too seriously.
3. Be present
4. Learn to say “no”, you cannot please everyone! This was huge for me!
5. Everyday write down 3 things you are grateful for; Keep a gratitude journal
6. Exercise daily- make it a priority
7. Read more
8. Laugh more
9. Turn off the news
10. Release the people or things that are negative/toxic
11. Smile more
12. De-clutter your home, it will de-clutter your mind
13. Don’t compare your life to others! You have no idea what they have been through or what their journey is about
14. See every challenge as an opportunity for growth
15. What others think of you is none of your business……Be unapologetically You!
16. Unplug
17. Forgiveness is key
18. Be kind to others
19. Give Back
20. Always expect happiness
Remember no one is in charge of your happiness but YOU! If you want to be happy and positive, surround yourself with happy positive people.
Cheers to HAPPINESS!!
As always thank you so much for stopping by! I am so grateful for you!
This is greatness
thank you so much doll !! XOXO