2 Must Have Supplements In Your Health Regime

Dolls Do I Have  Your  Attention? ⁣

Ok Good Here Are 2 ⁣supplements you need in your health regime for your hair and your skin. ⁣

1 year ago I discovered @hushhush luxury nutriceuticals and here are reasons to add them to your supplement routine. ⁣

▪️Time Capsule ~ A powerful 4-in-1 youth booster  beauty supplement. ⁣

1. Replaces the need for a multivitamin. ⁣

2. Boosts immunity with zinc , vitamin C and ginseng . ⁣

3. Boosts collagen, acts as a beauty supplement for the skin.⁣

What I have noticed since taking: my skin tone is improved and increased energy.⁣

▪️Deeply Rooted~ Hair Health Supplement. ⁣

1. Encourages hair to grow thicker, longer and stronger . ⁣

2. Maintains health of the scalp and hair, nourishing the follicles.⁣

3. Combats the underlying cause of thin weak and aging hair. ⁣

What I have noticed since taking :My hair is stronger ,shinier and so healthy! ⁣

I incorporate the two products above with my daily collagen. ⁣

Hush & Hush minerals and vitamins are made with the purest ingredients. No fillers, synthetics, additives, artificial flavoring or coloring is added . ⁣

Hush & Hush is backed by years of research and created by a renowned anti-aging expert Dr. Marc Ronert. ⁣

This is not an AD just sharing what I love and works. #wellnesswednesday⁣

♦️Always Consult With Your Physician before taking any new supplements.


Shop them HERE and HERE


You can always shop my favorite must haves HERE



  1. Christine T
    July 2, 2020 / 2:54 pm

    Hi Johanna. I have a question. Is the Hush and Hush Time Capsule an actual capsule or pill? I prefer my multi’s in pill form but this formula looks pretty amazing. Thanks!!

    • peaceloveglam
      August 30, 2020 / 2:07 am

      This particular one is capsule doll.