I Am A Reiki Master Y’all

Hello Beautiful Souls!

I did it! I am a Reiki Master! 

I started this amazing  journey in July, I set the intention that I would end 2020 as a Reiki Master and so it is. ✨

Thank you to my amazing soul sister and Reiki Master Amber Soberon for guiding me and teaching me. You are a beautiful soul and I am grateful for you. ✨🦋

My new goal is to learn the crystal singing bowls. I am so excited for this next chapter in my book of Life. I will keep y’all posted when I start practicing Reiki. 

I will leave you with this:

Just For Today 

I will release anger

Just For Today  

I will not worry 

Just For Today 

I  will do my work honestly 

Just For Today 

I will live in loving gratitude. 

Just For Today 

I will be kind to every living being including myself. 

~Reiki Principles 
