How Meditation Changed My Life

Hi Dolls!
Fourteen years ago I ended my marriage,my father passed away unexpectedly and I was a single mom raising a teenager. I felt that I was at a very low point in my life and I needed an outlet to help control my anxiety and stress.
I’ve always heard about meditation and the benefits, so I started to do my own personal research. I found that daily meditation leads to increased grey matter densities in the areas of the brain associated with memory, stress-regulation and empathy. Through my research I found Centerpointe Research Institute and decided to purchase their CDs (yes I said CDs) to start on my meditation journey.
My first 3 weeks of meditating were rough. Going in I thought I would be able to somewhat quiet my mind, but boy was I wrong. My mind and thoughts were all over the place. Drifting from one thought to another. It takes practice to learn to acknowledge your thoughts, but not get distracted by them. I quickly learned that quieting the mind would take patience and lots of practice.
Every morning I began my meditation in bed. I made it my priority. I practiced focusing on my breath and each day I practiced it became easier. I started to feel balanced and have a more positive outlook on my life. I was learning to manage my stress better and I started focusing on the good in my life. I became so grateful for everything big or small.
Exactly one year after starting my meditation practice I met the love of my life, moved to Los Angeles, and we started building a life together. I can say with certainty that meditating daily changed my life. I have more self-awareness, focus, compassion, gratitude, creativity, better sleep and I am overall a happier person.
Meditation is the perfect stress reliever.  It trains your brain to focus on what’s important in life and be productive. I have an attitude of gratitude because of my daily meditation.
Physical benefits of meditation:
  • Boost endorphins
  • Boost serotonin
  • Boost growth hormone
  • Faster healing
  • Deep relaxation
  • Increases Libido
  • More energy
  • Younger skin
  • Fewer free radicals
  • Strengthen immunity
Spiritual benefits:
  • Positive Energy
  • Inner silence
  • Compassion
  • Awaken intuition
  • Deepen awareness
  • Present focus
  • Peace of mind
  • Perspective
  • Access your subconscious mind power
Some of my favorite meditation apps:
I can’t imagine my life without meditation .


  1. November 23, 2017 / 2:17 am

    I started with their CDs also!!! You are such a vibrant example of every single one of the benefits of meditation. What an inspiration!

    • peaceloveglam
      November 23, 2017 / 4:02 pm

      OMG we are truly soul sisters! I love that you started with them too! Thank you for shining your bright light on the world!!